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The PMDG 737NG - one of THE best addon aircraft series for Microsoft Flight Simulator! This will get you behind the controls at 0 hours, and completing a flight from A-B confidently in no time!
Keep scrolling down and you'll find a free two-page Normal Ops checklist I have created to assist you in your flight at the controls of the PMDG 737 NG series.
This is a bit different to the likes of the Airbus A320 but don't let that put you off at all, you'll be able to learn the aircraft basics in no time with my tutorials below! The idea is to cover all of the basics in an easy-to-follow format to help you get the most out of this fantastic high-fidelity aircraft add-on in MSFS.
The videos shown below on this page include my 3 Episode mini-series covering all you need to know for a full flight getting from A to B. Other videos included will cover ILS and RNAV/RNP approaches in various locations around the world!
This series will focus on a full flight from Prague (LKPR) to wonderful Skiathos (LGSK). We'll begin in Episode 1 Cold and Dark and we'll work all the way through the FMC, get the engines on and get airborne! The Route used in the series can be found in the description for those videos too so feel free to use it if you wish.
Be sure to check out the Simbrief Route and Weather import video to show you how to push the data into the 737-700 easily in just a few steps. It's the same across all of the varients too from the -600 through to the -900ER... It'll help you with some of the data required and allow you to get airbourne a little quicker!
I hope you find all the tutorial videos below useful, I'll add more in due course! Be sure to check out all the other tutorial videos covering VATSIM and other aircraft too and come say hello over on YouTube when I'm live!
There's a lot more depth to this than an Airbus! In this video I'll help you get power to the aircraft, add your route data and set up your V Speeds. We'll start the APU and talk about transferring power between Ground and APU then after configuring the FMC, we'll work through Engine Start too!
Let's go! After a short taxi out and a few checks, we'll get airbourne - and we'll keep it simple all the way through!
Episode 3 of 3 tackles the rest! Descent, Approach, Landing and Shutdown! We'll make our way into Skiathos for a short field touchdown making use of Autobrake 3 and Flap 30!
Sure, I got you covered! Keeping it stripped to all the basics, we fly an ILS into Brussels and go through everything you need to know to successfully fly it yourself
For this tutorial, we head into the spectacular Santos Dumont airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil for the RNP W 02R (AR) approach. I'll show you all the basics so you can do it too!
Want an easy to follow, easy to understand tutorial showing you exactly how to enter and exit holds in the 737? Look no further!
In this video, we'll go through all the basics and demonstrate how to Go Around / fly a Missed Approach in the PMDG 737-700 for MSFS
...and if you have the SimBrief downloader program, be sure to check out the information written in the description to get that set up to cut the above tutorial into half and make it even easier!
Focussing on its initial features upon release we delve into the PMDG Universal Flight Tablet in this detailed Tutorial!
for Flight Simulation use only, a summarised two-page set of normal operation checklists to cover you throughout the flight, available to download for free. Perfect for Osprey Airways operations wherever in the world you choose to fly!
Updated: Version 3 - 11th April 2023
Not for real world use and not to be deemed in any way as flight instruction. For home Flight Simulation use only