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All of the following videos are designed to keep it simple, without too much information overload which can knock confidence when trying to learn complex aircraft like this. We begin with a three episode full flight covering everything from Cold and Dark through to shut down at the other end of the flight. The series will then build and continue with specific features as focus points to help build your knowledge!
You'll need to have planned your Simbrief flight plan for this and have access to charts... we're using Navigraph Ultimate for the video. Note that if you use a different livery, some of the pre-configured options may be different to the one used
The Route we used is as follows:
Cruise: FL190
It all begins at the Gate, power off but connected to a GPU! We'll cover lots including Simbrief Route Import and more...
This video covers taxi, takeoff, initial climb through to cruise covering all the necessary basics and considerations!
The final episode in the full flight three episode series covers Descent, an ILS Approach followed by Landing and Shutdown
Extending the series to more specific items, the first here focusses on flying Autolands in the 777!
This episode focusses on a variety of shorter topics - Autostart, VNAV Speed Only restrictions in descent and Holds!
This is a summarised checklist just to help nudge you with some key items along the way. It's not designed to be "comprehensive" or cover everything, but instead cover the key elements as reminders for each phase of flight